Contact us by email: Primary Email of Secretariat or Secondary Email of the Committee, or by Phone: 00359 88501 0581, 00359 88 5623 888

      Conference Venue:
             A1 Hotel Grauholz AG
      Autobahn A1
      CH-3063 Ittigen, Bern
      Tel.: +41 (0)31 915 12 12
      Fax.: +41 (0)31 915 12 13

  • EECS 2019

    During the Pandemic we published the proceedings in our Scopus Indexed Journals Before the Pandemic our conference with the name EECS published Proceedings in IEEE Download the Proceedings of the EECS 2019 from here which are now indexed in Engineering Village, EI Compendex, Scopus, ISI, IEEEXplore, GoogleScholar, INSPEC (IET), etc...
  • EECS 2018

    Download the Proceedings of the EECS 2018 from here which are now indexed in Engineering Village, EI Compendex, Scopus, ISI, IEEEXplore, GoogleScholar, INSPEC (IET), etc...

  • CSCC 2023

    (27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), 19-22 July 2023) Download the Proceedings of the CSCC 2023 from here which are now indexed in Engineering Village, EI Compendex, Scopus, ISI, IEEEXplore, GoogleScholar, INSPEC (IET), etc...
  • CSCC 2022

    Download the Proceedings of the CSCC 2022 from here which are now indexed in Engineering Village, EI Compendex, Scopus, ISI, IEEEXplore, GoogleScholar, INSPEC (IET), etc...

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Contact us by email:
Primary Email of Secretariat
Secondary Email of the Committee

or by Phone: 00359 88501 0581 , 00359 88 5623 888